
Denise and Bo Salisbury
Denise and Bo Salisbury

My name is Bo Salisbury. I am a father of three, grandfather of two and husband of one; a bi-vocational pastor for 24 years, church planter, flesh-eating bacteria survivor, and the last postmaster of Camptonville CA. In the coming weeks, months and years, I’ll be posting much of my past work and a number of new projects that I’ve shoved to the back of my mind, looking forward to that day when I would have the time and the energy to write and publish. Well, now I have the time, but I’m not so sure about the energy component. Or, for that matter, the creative passion. I’ll usually leave the comments open, so you can graciously let me know where I’m lagging in those three areas and more.

Q. So, what will I write about and why the selfie title for the site? Perhaps it will be helpful to ask and answer a few questions, beginning with those two first.

A. It’s bosalisbury.com, because my interests are so varied and eclectic that it would be impossible to come up with a catchy name for the site that wouldn’t simply trumpet my lack of focus. I will be writing about those areas that have interested me over the past 40 years or, in some cases,things that have been interested in me for reasons that may emerge through writing. Example:Why the flesh-eating bacteria? I didn’t go looking for that disease, but it’s become an important part of who I am and how I approach life.

Q. The tagline says one passion: many interests. The drop down menus display many, many interests but, what is the one passion?

A. The single passion I will be writing from is the source of all meaning and purpose in my life: knowing Jesus Christ and who I am in Him, through the Gospel. Because, all of life is of interest to King Jesus, I want to be a part of His creative and recreative purposes for creation – I want to know what it means to be fully human, bearing the image of the Creator. Ideally, that image should be manifested in whatever I make, do and communicate.

Q. Well, I think I get it, so far. But, why isn’t there any content? When a menu drops down and I click on it, there’s nothing there but a title.

A. I had to start somewhere and thought it would be good to set some goals via menu items. There’s also a very practical reason: I chose a theme in WordPress and wanted to be sure it would serve my purposes until I can get down into the site and make it more robust. If you pull down the menus, you’ll get a peek at what I’ll be writing about, down the road. In a week or so, I’ll be hiding those menu items until they are filled with some content and announcing new content via the blog.

Thanks for dropping by.


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