It’s A Wrap!

I’d like you to meet my new mates from Australia:  Adrian the sound man and Malcolm the cameraman. They were sent to our home by Beyond International to film a vignette for the television program Medical Incredible on the Discovery Health Channel. Since my miraculous healing and recovery from necrotizing fasciitis, the flesh eating bacteria, I’ve been contacted a number of times by producers of similar programs, but our plans always fell through. So, I didn’t want to broadcast this adventure until it actually materialized.

It was so much fun. They shot me running over the hill to our house about five times, up and down our street a few times, and the entire length of Gethsemane St. twice! They shot me coming and going, as well as moving along beside me in the van. I got quite a workout.

There were also family shots and what more appropriate than Denise and I relaxing in our hammock?

So, what were some highlights?

  • The crew flew into San Francisco and our segment was the first one they shot. They were very friendly, patient, fun and we got along very well. The moment Peter the producer came through the door, we learned that he shared our love of retro furniture and knick-knacks. In fact, they had lunch at Planet Juice (now, Fudenjuice) and Peter crossed the street to visit one of our favorites, the Hospice Thrift Store, where he purchased a real prize: A Canonette camera.
  • Camille and Sue Bauman were on hand when my interview was shot. Camille was very helpful and spent time chatting with Adrian — they really hit it off. She also took the photos of the crew filming us. One of the lights was malfunctioning so they had to fill using a large reflector, which Sue professionally handled. Peter thanked her for her work as a gaffer, but quickly added that she wouldn’t be in the credits. Shucks.
  • I suppose my interview went well enough… a little over an hour and I only got choked up a few times. Peter later informed me that they shoot about 6 hours of film, in order to get about an hour they can use and, then, the editor works with it, which results in a 10 or 15 minute segment for the show.
  • We planned to get some tape of me playing basketball at Gold Run School but, fortunately, the District backed out. The Glenn’s had graciously allowed us to use the court, which hosts the annual GLENNBA half court tournament. So, we packed up the gear and headed over there. It was a beautiful afternoon with Melanie, Sydney and Beau there to welcome our Australian visitors with their usual hospitality and charm. Zach signed a release to become an unpaid television star and we went to work on the court. It was really cool, because they got all kinds of shots of Zach getting “nothing but net,” which they will edit with snippets of me doing jumpshots, so I end up looking like some sort of marvel on the court. They also took a lot of closeups of Zach and I guarding one another, but focused on our legs and the ball being dribbled. Finally, we lowered the backboard so we could stuff it and they shot that, as well. It will be fun to see what makes it into the living rooms of millions… I hope this is Zach’s big break!
  • Denise came home from work and they interviewed her. She was very direct and to the point… she was Denise. Then, we all gathered around the table for homemade lasagna, salad, bread, a little red wine and our new found mates regaled us with tales from down under. We had a wonderful time getting to know these wonderful blokes.
  • We were all pretty exhausted, but met early the next day to shoot a reenactment at the Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital. It was awesome! Steve, the PR man for the hospital, arranged to have an ambulance and three EMTs perform their life-saving techniques on me, as I drifted in and out of consciousness, spiraling into a coma. Trish, Tim and Steve were absolutely great! It was just as I remember it — the ambulance even smelled the same! Doctor Hunter in the ER was very accomodating and they were having a slow morning, so the folks in the ER were cheerful and seemed to enjoy the deviation. It was neat, because it was sunny and bright shooting the interviews, but the day of the reenactment was dreary and rainy, just as it was when this all took place seven years ago.
  • We returned to our home, where the crew set up the living room to reenact me on the couch, uncomfortable and writhing with pain. They filmed me rubbing and looking at my right leg, which appears fairly normal, and they will reverse the film to make it look as if I’m concerned about my left leg. Pretty tricky, eh?
  • At noon, they signed our family guestbook, left us a bag of Minties (excellent) and assorted Cadbury Favourites, and they were off to film other miracles of modern medicine! I have a feeling they will also be meeting a number of folks, who see a gracious and powerful God behind their survival, as my friends and I do.


  1. GVDan said:

    That sounds like it was a lot of fun. Denise was right, that is a perfect shot of Mr. Incredible. I bet Zach had a great time, I hope he gets to be on TV. So, are they going to give you a finished 1 hour product, that mabye we could all watch on the bigf screen at church sometime?

    June 8, 2005
  2. Donna Sue said:

    So cool. Aren’t Australians the best? During our trip to the Australian Open this past June I really fell in love with the country and the people; can’t wait to go back.
    Please let us know when this will be aired.

    June 9, 2005
  3. Donna Sue said:

    correction: we were there this past January – summer time down under.

    June 9, 2005
  4. Bo Salisbury said:

    Yeah, Donna, the Aussies are great. I also have a NF penpal from the mountains near Snowy River. We have much in common, including trips to opportunity shops (thrift stores).

    They said they will let us know when they have the finished product and when it will be aired. Projected on the big screen? Well, that depends on whether the semi-nude shots of me with my shirt off make the cut. I wouldn’t want to gross people out or frighten the children!

    June 9, 2005
  5. Bo Salisbury said:

    No, no, no… it’s not sexy at all… very tastefully done… it’s art.

    June 9, 2005
  6. Sadie Lou said:

    That sounds like a good day! I think we actually get that station and we’ll be able to watch the show if you could somehow let us know when it might be on TV. How cool that Zach got to play basketball with you for some of the footage. I bet he was nervous. That would make me nervous. I was in a Mexican Inn (my grandparent’s restaurant) commercial that aired on local stations–I was uncomfortable anytime it came on.
    Bo, were you able to talk about God during the interview?

    June 9, 2005
  7. Mike Anderson said:

    Sounds like it went great! When I drove by and you all were in the front yard it seemed like everyone had a great time!

    And maybe if I think of your surgical artifacts as “art” I can really look at those pictures you brought to the concert/worship night a few weeks ago. I get pretty week kneed with stuff like that…I almost dropped in Dan’s ICU room when he was describing what they did to him.

    Can’t wait to see you and the Spirit on TV!

    June 9, 2005
  8. Donna Sue said:

    Now that you’ve “gone Hollywood” I hope you still remember the little peeps!!!

    June 9, 2005
  9. Michele said:

    Hey, celebrity! Oh my gosh, you look so cute in your picture with those guys. I can’t wait to see the Denise segment. She hates the spotlight more than anyone I know. You should have called me to play her. I could’ve worn a little Denise wig or something. I would’ve gone for the oscar.
    I am so excited about all this! Was the guy that Camille hit it off with the young one? Single, Christian? More details, please!

    June 9, 2005
  10. Anonymous said:

    Oh my gosh, Michele, ew! Adrian was the short one with a pony tail. He was a Christian but he’s also married, with a child, and probably in his 40’s/50’s. None of them were young!

    June 9, 2005
  11. Michele said:

    Sorry, Camille, but I always picture you ending up with an older guy, because you’re sort of like Zach and Eric, (and now Brian we’re learning) young and cute on the outside, but 2,000 years old at heart.

    June 9, 2005
  12. Yikes. That’s the scariest bacteria out there. I’m glad you survived it without losing anything. You’re a very lucky man. 🙂

    June 9, 2005
  13. Bo Salisbury said:

    I’ll be sure to let everyone know when it’s on (unless they spend too much time on the scenes with my shirt off — then it will probably slip my mind).

    Yeah, Sadie, I did talk about the Lord, His miracles and trips to Uganda, where I got to show badly burned kids my scars… Then, I would share Paul’s words with them:

    Galatians 6:17 … I carry the scars of Jesus on my body.

    I told those kids, many of whom were pretty ashamed of their twisted hands and terrible burns, that we were blessed to suffer for Christ and to be marked out for everyone to see. So, they are special.

    If you’re a praying person…

    Please pray that the Lord will guide the series editor, so that God will be praised. The editor pretty much decides what direction the story will take.

    Also, pray for the crew that filmed us. They are going to go from miraculous story to miraculous story. I’m sure they will hear and see many people praising God… pray that the Lord would soften their hearts.

    June 10, 2005

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