Have We Gone Too Far?

Well, our chaise lounge arrived and it’s beautiful!chaise
I think we have arrived at the look we’ve been trying to achieve with the living room. Note the end table with toothpick legs and Formica top next to the sofa. It is one of three stacking end tables… colors are green, gold and red.

We found this Eames era Danish coffee table a few weeks ago, but coffee will never touch it.
Instead, we placed it near the front door and have our guest book out to welcome visitors. All in all, I think the new editions compliment the sectional and other items.

eamesctOur next project is a new (old) bedroom set. We have found a number of very nice pieces at the St. Vincent DePaul Thrift Store on Fulton in Sacramento, where we have struck up a great business relationship with the floor manager. The anticipation! I can hardly wait to see what we will find next!

Denise and I wanted to reach back to a more daring, stylish era… Have we gone too far?


  1. Anonymous said:

    Oh no my fellow cool-cats. Me thinks you dare well, reach, reach…~Michele PS I am green, gold and red with envy over those stacking end tables, and am hoping the chaise lounge will catch me, for I know I shall faint when I meet it in person.

    March 16, 2005
  2. Sadie Lou said:

    I’m a big fan of the “legs” in that room…

    March 17, 2005
  3. Donna Sue said:

    I always knew you two were hip and cool…now you have the furniture to match!

    March 20, 2005
  4. Anonymous said:

    Now there is no where for Emma and I to sit…

    March 20, 2005
  5. Diane said:

    now you guys just need to dress the part! I’ve got plenty of childhood photos Den could use as inspiration!

    You cool cats, you!

    March 20, 2005
  6. Diane said:


    March 20, 2005

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