Lifelong Learning

Issac T. Sanks, candidate for the office of Constable of Grass Valley CA

One of the advantages of my defective and desultory education is a lifetime of discovery and learning! Kudos to the California educational system of the 60’s, leftist news organizations of the 70’s and the vacuous popular culture of the 80’s. (I suppose I should admit that I wasn’t a very enthusiastic learner in those days — it’s not like I was a total victim)

Along the way, I learned that , contrary to nearly everything I was ever taught on the subject of race or saw editorialized in the pop-press, that in the 26 major civil rights votes since 1933, Democrats opposed civil rights in 80% of votes, while Republicans joined the majority in favoring civil rights in over 96% of the votes.

I was also surprised to learn that our very own Nevada County Republicans were leaders in the civil rights movement, nominating one of the first black candidates in the state of California, Isaac T. Sanks. (This update on September 28, 2015) I found the Sanks Family on Facebook and they are understandably proud of their ancestor!


  1. GVDan said:

    Correct me if I am wrong. But it looks like Strom Thurman holds the record for the longest filibuster…24 Hrs 18 Mins. I couldnt pass up the opportunity to correct you. It doesnt come very often.

    March 8, 2005
  2. Bo Salisbury said:

    Thanks for the correction… I have, in turn, corrected my post… blogging is beautiful! How does it look now?

    March 8, 2005
  3. Bo Salisbury said:

    Boy, did I blow it… I confated my sources… I’ll have to edit this… let me know what you think.

    March 10, 2005

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