Well, it’s been over a month since my last post. A few things have conspired to keep me away from writing.
First, a friend of the family was hit by necrotizing fasciitis, the flesh-eating bacteria. It’s so rare, I never thought I would know someone, personally, who would be stalked by this deadly foe. He is a young man, received a timely bit of advice from his pharmacist and a quick diagnosis by his first surgeon and, then, he was off to an excellent hospital. He’s come through with flying colors. Today, he just learned that his grafts had taken very well and he’ll be going home Friday, after a month in the hospital. Thank God!
I’ve also been back in school and spending most of my time painting. I’m also polishing up my skills in InDesign, auditing a beginners course at the local community college. The plan is to bring together art and publishing design for my next writing project: an introduction to the Baha’i faith for Christian readers. I revisited an old favorite used book store a couple weeks ago and found about $175 worth of rare or hard-to-find used books on the Baha’i faith for about $25!
So, I’m looking forward to blogging and writing, while pursuing my renewed passion for painting.
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