Baha’i Beginnings Feel Good

I spent a couple of hours arranging my upcoming book and, so far, it looks like I’ll have a 175-200 page general Introduction to the Baha’i Faith for Christian Readers. Actually, I’ll try to make it accessible to any reader, but it will be written from my perspective as an Evangelical Christian — I’ll be presenting the material in a semi-autobiographical fashion. There are a couple of reasons for this approach, but the most practical consideration for presenting this material to someone new to the Baha’i Faith is where we find ourselves in history — we are entering in on the “ground floor” of Baha’i history and development as a distinct religion. Even though much has taken place over the past few decades to bring the movement out in the open where regular people can look into its history and teachings, it’s my view that it won’t reach maturity as a de facto religion within the lifetime of anyone around right now.

I’ll keep posting as the book progresses.

I feel great!

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