Getting High In Maine

We decided to visit the Penobscot Narrows Bridge near Bucksport and take a trip up to the observatory at the top – 420 feet high, to be exact. Denise and I were vacationing and hunting for investments just about a year ago and happened to visit when the bridge was opened for the first public walk-across and Bridgefest. It was impressive.

While we were waiting, Emma was wishing she had brought her sweater. She did, however, bring a book along. It was one of about 8 she read in our 12 day vacation. Sidebar: Emma has always been a voracious reader. My memory of living in Maine is coming home to find Emma, dressed like a boy, sitting sideways in a chair, twirling her bobbed hair around one finger, with some sort of sucker or jawbreaker in her mouth, reading a book. Read, read, read… and, then, read some more!

The next photo is Denise and Emma from the observatory with Verona Island in the background and Blue Hill in the distance. For you history fans, the bridge overlooks the location of one of the most strategic towns in American history, Castine, and the site of the greatest single American Naval loss before Pearl Harbor. Paul Revere was court-martialed for his role in the debacle.

Finally, we have a photo of me reeling after my trip to the top. I do not like heights and when you get to the observatory, you exit the elevator and the glass is about 3 feet from the door. So, if you are prone to vertigo, it comes on you all at once. After exiting the elevator, you take a couple flights of stairs, which are right up close to the glass, to the top. I was a bit wobbly until we reached the observatory, where I got acclimated and was able to operate the camera. Actually, I was fine by the time we got down and I am really looking towards Bucksport from Fort Knox, wondering where in town we would be able to find a decent whoopie pie, red hot dog or pizza.


  1. Donna Webster said:

    What a great trip. Good to see Emma looking so healthy. I heard she is running so we’ll have to get her swimming and biking like her Aunt.

    September 3, 2008
  2. pietyhill said:

    Yes, she’s quite the little runner… Sam, too. I think she’s doing 5 miles a day… ASICS!

    September 4, 2008
  3. Propsect Pete said:

    Prospect, Maine is where the Penobscot Observatory is located at the Fort Knox historic site, Bucksport is two towns and another County away.

    September 4, 2008
  4. pietyhill said:

    Thanks Pete… duly noted and edited. By the way, I love Prospect.

    September 4, 2008

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