Another Decorating Coup

Denise has been busy again. Not only did she completely remodel our bathroom, but also she found these cool matching, gender-specific, lamps for our retro nightstands. She was originally bidding on some 60’s “atomic lamps,” but decided these actually coordinated with the rest of our “grandma” era porcelain knick-knicks. Her lamp looks like Marie Antoinette and, ironically, arrived with the head broken off at the neck. Well, she fixed her up and you can barely see the guillotine-width crack around her throat. My lamp is really cool, except that the Cavalier fellow is wearing a little too much eyeliner for my taste. The lipstick, however, is tastefully done.


  1. Camille said:

    I really wish you two would let me help you decorate…

    August 5, 2005
  2. *laughing*
    Camille…you are the best.
    I think those lamps are so weird–in a good way.

    August 5, 2005
  3. Sadie Lou said:

    Camille…you are the best.
    I think those lamps are so weird–in a good way.

    August 5, 2005
  4. Bo Salisbury said:

    Camille… you are too modest. Everyone… Camille is the one who put the brakes on the atomic lamps and sold us on this pair.

    I think it’s amazing how alike Denise and Camille are in their tastes… their likes and dislikes… right down to the clothes they wear. It really is charming.

    August 5, 2005
  5. You know, I really like that Marie Antionette lamp. She’s the one who said “let them eat cake,” right?

    I don’t know if this is just something my older brother said to scare us, but he said that the main executioner was on vacation and the other guy didn’t know what he was doing, so it took 3 whacks to get it right. So her ghost goes around kind of like Nearly Headless Nick in the Harry Potter books.

    I’m sure that’s just something he made up to scare the younger brothers (myself included).

    August 5, 2005
  6. Anonymous said:

    I think you put alike instead of OPPOSITE.

    August 5, 2005
  7. Michele said:

    ZS, I think the lame be-heading your bro taunted you with was really Mary, Queen of Scots. Marie went by gullitione, I think.
    I love the lamps, Bo the man is simply a metro-sexual, celebrate his diversity.
    The best thing about your blog today is the picture of you as a young Bo-ling. As Jack would say, “Oh my dosh, how toot!”

    August 8, 2005
  8. Michele – Thanks. I knew he was up to no good. That guy filled my head up with so much garbage, some of which I still believe today until someone like you comes along and corrects it. 🙂

    August 9, 2005

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