Those are weird. I particularly stared at the one with Jesus teaching the young girl how to golf–there was something unsettling about it.
I do not want one of those for Christmas.
If you’re ever playing one-on-one basketball against Jesus, don’t start trash talking.
If you say “Who’s your daddy,” He’ll just wink at you. . . and while you think “Oh, yeah,” He’ll be by you in a blur of sandels taking the rock strong to the hole.
Those are weird. I particularly stared at the one with Jesus teaching the young girl how to golf–there was something unsettling about it.
I do not want one of those for Christmas.
Okay… I’ll send the baseball one back. Yes, some of them were real creepy. However, I liked one comment about the basketball Jesus:
Matthew Westerholm said…
If you’re ever playing one-on-one basketball against Jesus, don’t start trash talking.
If you say “Who’s your daddy,” He’ll just wink at you. . . and while you think “Oh, yeah,” He’ll be by you in a blur of sandels taking the rock strong to the hole.