Good As Gold

Well, the big weekend of the annual Sierra Presbyterian Yard sale is here, but it was pretty duddy. I only found four paperback books this year. Last year I came home with a bunch of good books, as well as some electronic gear and toys for eBay. Oh, well. At least Denise found this beautiful gold tissue cozy at the Hospice Thrift Store on Thursday night. I think the bedroom is coming along nicely, don’t you? Camille probably even approves.


  1. bo,

    do you have a workable email address other than this blogpage?

    September 3, 2005
  2. Sadie Lou said:

    I like the pillow shams…
    (I was bummed I couldn’t be at church today. The car keys decided to hide from me.)

    September 4, 2005
  3. Camille said:

    No, Camille does not approve…

    September 4, 2005
  4. Michele said:

    Do I love it? You know I do. (Say in Kip voice)
    I’ve always thought people were really together when they have their Kleenex situation organized.
    Just think, Camille, someday all this will be yours.

    September 5, 2005
  5. Mel said:

    Nice box, Bo. However I beg to differ on the lack of goodies this year at the Sierra Pres. yard sale. I was literally on a natural high for hours afterwards as I carefully unloaded, unpacked, cleaned up, displayed, and then gazed upon all my new little cositas.

    September 5, 2005

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