
Well, we quit Netflix. I found that I was watching more movies than I normally would, because I wanted to get my money’s worth. My discontent surfaced when I read about the class-action lawsuit filed against them for dragging their feet on fulfilling customers requests, who were signed up for “unlimited” rental accounts. I noticed that my service degraded around that time and their “cycling” became obvious and inconvenient for us.

Anyway, we are spending much less time in front of the tube, which is a real bonus and, now that I know what I’m looking for at the local video store, I can get in and out for about a buck. You can’t beat that.


  1. nikki said:

    Hi Bo!!!

    We get Netfix and I’m not sure what I think about it. Eric is the one who watches the movies around here, and I occasionally will have him get something for me. I’ve noticed that he still rents movies at the movie store sometimes, so I think it is actually costing us more! Oh well, the guy loves movies. He justed uped his deal to 3 at a time, and that seems to have helped.

    Just stopped by to say hi.

    February 9, 2007
  2. nikki said:

    Ya know, I totally made this special appearance and am completely ignored!!! I am quite offended!

    February 10, 2007
  3. pietyhill said:

    Not ignored at all… your participation has been noted and appreciated.

    Naw, I can’t leave it at that…. I found the same thing as you did with Netflix. I ended up going to the local video store, because they would never arrive for the weekend, when the missuss and I generally watch movies. When we first signed up, it was a two day turnaround. It was in Sacramento and fast!!! Drop it in the mail, they get it the next day and the next day, bam! We even found that they would process and mail on Saturdays… drop on Friday, processed Saturday, receive one Monday. But, then came the class action thing and we started getting the stall treatment.

    The Blockbuster plan looks like it’s the best for us, because we are less than 5 minutes away. If I could only get over my viceral dislike of Blockbuster.

    February 10, 2007
  4. You may not go to Blockbuster. I will denounce you as a friend if you go to Blockbuster–nothing good ever comes of a Blockbuster membership. Dan and I have been Netflix members for a long time now. We used to have the three-at-a-time membership but we just downgraded to one-at-a-time and we’re quite happy with it.
    I love having Netflix buddies. I’m friends with the Fays (who watch a ton of really great never-before-heard-of movies) and the Fasslers, and my parents and my sisters.
    We send each other reccomendations and warnings–I like looking at people’s ques.

    February 10, 2007
  5. pietyhill said:

    That’s another reason to flee Netflix… les voyeurs de queue. You faithful bloggers kinda frighten me.

    February 10, 2007
  6. nikki said:

    Ok, I’m so glad that you decided I was worth your precious time! That Blockbuster thing sounds pretty good. I’ll have to talk to him about that. He loves Blockbuster. We keep trying to lose Sadie as a friend, but we just can’t shake her.

    February 11, 2007
  7. pietyhill said:

    Hasn’t worked for me, either, Nikki but perhaps if we try a joint Blockbuster membership, send her some gift cards and wear Blockbuster tractor-hats… sideways.

    February 11, 2007
  8. eric said:

    hi bo

    February 11, 2007
  9. pietyhill said:

    Hi Eric… are you shy?

    February 11, 2007
  10. nikki said:

    My man is a man of few words, but we love him just the same. I guess with a wife like me, he doesn’t have much of a choice. Hi babe, I love you.

    And yes…he is shy.

    February 12, 2007
  11. Eric isn’t shy–he just doesn’t like anyone and you guys don’t scare me–everyone hates Blockbuster. If you join them, someone will put a brick through your window. I don’t know how I know that but it’s the truth.

    February 12, 2007
  12. nikki said:

    Whatever Sadie! You are going to die. Don’t ask me how I know that, but its true.

    And if Eric doesn’t like anybody, what does that say about you????????????????????????????

    February 12, 2007
  13. hehehe.
    I’m special. That’s why Eric likes me.

    February 12, 2007
  14. Bo Salisbury said:

    Girls, girls!!! This is a zero tolerance blog, so there will be no hair-pulling.

    February 13, 2007

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