Pastor Steve Preaches

Our brother from Uganda was told by the Lord to deliver a message to our church and he obeyed. It was a very costly undertaking for someone living in a country with an annual per capita income of $280. He has preached five times now from this passage:

2 Chronicles 7:14 …if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

He has spoken of humility, prayer, seeking God’s face and repentance. Today, the exhortation was to obey… to take the word delivered and act upon it. Pastor Steve related a dream… a vision he had the first day he was here, as well as the interpretation of the dream: Our church has suffered hurts and disappointments in the past, resulting in a wall being raised up… a wall that hardened into pride. Instead of remaining ingrown, behind the wall, we must humble ourselves, pray and seek the Lord. Then, we will fulfill our mission, our assignment in the universal Body of Christ and be part of God’s work in healing our land… taking the Good News to our community, our nation and the world.


  1. Donna Webster said:

    Bo, miss your blogging!!

    December 19, 2006
  2. pietyhill said:

    Thanks, Donna… it’s nice to be missed. I really enjoy blogging, but it’s been crazy the past two months… hope to get back in the groove soon…

    Merry Christmas

    December 24, 2006
  3. Diane Thorne said:

    ditto Donna! I miss it too brother Bo 🙂

    I’ll be patient

    sista Di

    December 24, 2006
  4. Diane Thorne said:

    Bo…miss your updates! Especially those of us who live far away 🙁

    Sista Di

    January 24, 2007

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