Pragmatism Wins Out II

Back in February of this year, I began this blog in a fit of pragmatism. With youthful exuberence I set out to set the blogging world on fire about a year ago:

That brings me to this blog. It was supposed to be designed in WordPress and I intended to learn PHP/MySQL to exercise full control. But, I found that I am not prepared for that level of commitment yet. The dream of designing and implementing a beautiful, functional blog continues to live on and it will be realized, as time permits. But, I cannot bear to put off blogging and publishing a moment longer. So, the blog begins here… now.

I have to admit that rash decision was a huge error and I am back to square one — installing WordPress and learning how to build a blog from the ground up. No progress was made toward my original goal, while I churned out hurried, mediocre posts and neglected other more profitable ventures… so, PietyHill Press is suspending daily operations for now. Infrequent announcements and stuff will continue to be posted for friends / family and I will comment on other blogs with my Blogger account, when time allows.

In closing, I want to give one final Shoutout! to what I thought was a great post and a great idea. Mishegas Master is a pro writer, who comes from, shall we say, a different perspective than I do. He had a post that really resonated with me:

It’s so incredibly easy to criticize America these days and the top five ways to do so are: (1)-Blog (like The MishegasMaster); (2)-Air your grievances on a radio talk-show call-in program; (3)-Go into an Internet chat-room and complain; get together with a group of friends either at coffeehouse or over a meal and collective discuss the troubles and of course, writing a letter to the editor of a newspaper or opinion page.

Why is America such an easy to target for criticism by its own citizens? Perhaps it’s because the criticisms and freedoms we enjoy have been twisted, tweaked and taken advantage of, eroded and exploited so much, that there’s no approachable point to dig in, claim a territory and stop the insanity/madness! So, it got me to thinking about the entire situation at hand and wondered what it would take the wagging tongues, the pointing fingers, the Nay-Sayers and all of the other self-appointed United States citizens critics mixed in between to come together? Why a new national anthem lyric-writing contest, that’s how!

Check out the rules and prizes and, by all means, point your pen down a positive path and write a new national anthem! Sure, you probably won’t become the next Francis Scott Key, but you may win a real cool prize. Good-bye, God bless and good luck on your national anthem entry!


  1. Mke Anderson said:

    It’s been great fun checking in on your blog. Thanks!!

    November 25, 2005
  2. Sadie Lou said:

    I’m tempted to sing “another one bites the dust”.
    I guess that’s what happens when all your blog friends are men with jobs and a commitment to family.
    in the words of Elton John
    “I’m still standing…”

    I look forward to your infrequent updates and enlightening comments on my blog–visit me often.

    November 26, 2005
  3. Michele said:

    It’s weird how everyone’s figuring out this takes too much time at once.
    You’re like Levi, always giving me your thoughts and opinions in person, so I’m not totally crushed. What’s been fun is all the different pictures of Tiny Bo to the Big Bruisin’ Bo that we all know and love. Maybe you could hold up old photos while we chat. And, the posts have been great, but I understand.
    Don’t worry, Zombie, we’ll still try for the Blogfest, and the Thinklings can do a reunion-post or something.
    See you in la manana a la iglesia.

    November 26, 2005
  4. Going to miss you Bo. I’m still going to meet you all in Spring, even if you and Levi are going to be infrequent posters.

    As for the America bashing, people take this country for granted. I’m probably the opposite – I want America to be more American and less globalistic. That’s my biggest criticism of where we’re going.

    I will still stand by the statement I’ve made many times on my blog – I’m proud to be American and would rather live here than any other country, except possibly New Zealand.

    Going back to hooking up, would love to hear your Shrapnel Records stories in person.

    November 28, 2005
  5. it’s funny to read other folks comments here, as if this is a funeral, but it’s not oh no! it’s a new quest & direction and i think that’s great! thanks also for plugging my contest, bo 🙂

    November 29, 2005
  6. Bo Salisbury said:

    Thanks, pals. Go write a national anthem… I know you masters of the pen can do it.

    Hey, the blog may fire back up sooner than I thought, but for something hidden…

    November 30, 2005
  7. Nattalie said:

    Your decision comes as no shock to me since I know how time consuming blogging can be. I’ll have to check your site from time to time just to see if you have posted anything.

    I think people should stop complaining so much about our country and stop to think about how nice things are sometimes.

    December 1, 2005
  8. Suzie said:

    Ì do not want to see you go….hope you will change your mind. I have totally enjoyed dropping in….Take care of yourself and family.

    Merry Christmas!!!!!

    December 2, 2005
  9. Bo Salisbury said:

    Merry Christmas Suzie… I’ll be seeing you on your blog!

    Nattalie… yes, it does take time and, yes, less complaining and more doing good, constructive stuff… speaking of which, the blog has morphed into a discussion of Revelation. We’ll see how that goes.

    December 4, 2005
  10. ssbornik said:

    Very good site. Thanks for author!

    May 17, 2006
  11. snymrik said:

    I just don’t have anything to say right now.

    May 17, 2006
  12. nikelir said:

    Your site is very cognitive. I think you will have good future.:)

    May 18, 2006
  13. cirkyl said:

    Great website! Bookmarked! I am impressed at your work!

    May 21, 2006
  14. utilizera said:

    May we exchange links with your site?

    May 23, 2006

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