Ross Dress For Less

Okay, so why does a hip, swingin’, fashion-conscious guy like me shop at Ross?

Obviously, there’s the value angle. Your clothing dollar will go much further at Ross than at some boardshop boutique or Harajuku mercantile where a sullen raggedy Ann or Andy, with black lipstick, scans your purchases while singing along with Green Day’s American Idiot. For me, it’s all about fashion. Where else could you hope to find a stylish RATT* t-shirt like the one I’m wearing in the photo? The moment I pulled it off the rack, my right arm involuntarily thrust it’s self heavenward and my butane lighter ignited. Awesome!!!

*Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever enjoyed RATT or the music of RATT. I am an afficianado of late ’80s screen print t-shirts.


  1. Bo – It’s okay. You can admit it and I’ll still think you’re cool.

    When nobody’s looking, I’ll occasionally blast Round and Round. They did have a few good tunes.

    October 1, 2005
  2. Diane said:

    thank goodness for that disclaimer!!! 😉

    October 1, 2005
  3. pat brennan said:

    Bo, If you ever see lime green polyester leisure suits for sale at Ross let me know right away. I have been looking for one for years. They are hard to find.

    October 1, 2005
  4. Bo, you can be hip and still shop at Ross, no shame or blame!!

    The disclaimer does help!

    October 2, 2005
  5. Sadie Lou said:

    I have always shopped at Ross. My mom took us school shopping there when we were little.
    The rule of thumb for shopping at Ross:
    Never go in there looking for a specific item–go in with nothing to need and you’ll find plenty.

    October 2, 2005
  6. Anonymous said:

    It’s o.k Bo! I love Ross! It has such great clothes!

    October 3, 2005
  7. Levi Nunnink said:

    Bo, that’s an awesome shirt! And you’re workin’ it!

    October 3, 2005
  8. nikki said:

    Well I will say I think you have great taste in clothes. Good thing too, because more than once you have been dressed almost exactly like my husband. I think its great you shop there. We haven’t for a while but we need to. Its a great store.

    October 6, 2005
  9. Bo Salisbury said:

    The RATT tshirt has been a real hit here in North Carolina with the NASCAR crowd. They even have Ross here. But, no green leisure suits…

    Eric, my design consultant, steered to Ross in the first place.

    October 7, 2005

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