The Date Is Set

The date has been set. Camille and Sean will tie the knot on 21 May 2005 at the Miner’s Foundry in Nevada City CA. Of course, this is contingent upon Camille’s receipt of a large engagement ring and Sean asking for her hand in marriage (face to face), after seeking the blessing of her father (that’s me), in person (that’s his idea). Sean’s initiation into the Salisbury Family circle of trust is promising at this point.

I’m looking forward to this event for a number of reasons. First, ever since Sam deserted me nine years ago, things have been a bit too “girly” around the house. It will be nice to have another male family member to do mannish things with. As soon as Sean arrives, we’ll be going to a monster truck rally at the Arco Arena, then it’s off to Greenhorn Creek in our Toyota 4 x 4 and later we’ll head out to the woods and shoot small animals with high powered rifles or shotguns. A day or two in the smoker and we should have some killer jerky.

In case you didn’t know, Sean is from the UK. Right now, he’s living in London. I think it will be good for the Salisbury / Arnold / Rhodes / Carson bloodline to get a fresh infusion through a bloke from the old country. Things got a little thin there with the introduction of the Biddle line from Denise’s side of the family. True enough, a solid English name, but a Canadian pedigree… nuff said.

Camille loves Sean and so do we.


  1. Congrads Bo! Or should I say that for your daughter and soon to be son.

    He kind of looks like Quentin Tarantino in that picture.

    September 12, 2005
  2. Bo Salisbury said:

    Yes I think I see the resemblance… Sean’s chin in real life is in better proportion to the rest of his face… he’s actually better looking that QT, don’t you think Camille?

    September 13, 2005
  3. Sadie Lou said:

    You mean May of 2006. Although, it would be cool if they could somehow get married in the past and teleport the wedding guests back in time with them.

    What a handsome couple! Does he have an accent? If he does, that’s totally why she is marrying him, right, Camille?
    I can already tell that he’s cuter than Quentin.

    September 13, 2005
  4. Levi Nunnink said:

    I wish I had an accent…

    That’s cool that Sean asked your blessing, Bo. He sounds like a gentlemen.

    September 13, 2005
  5. edluv said:

    my brother in law got married @ the miner’s foundry in nevada city. nice little place. although, they got married in summer months and it was crazy hot inside. it didn’t help that i had just recently undergone surgery on a torn miniscus (indoor soccer!) and was on crutches with a huge, warm, leg brace.

    September 13, 2005
  6. Mel said:

    Just when I thought we were done thinking about weddings for awhile. Michele and I have catered weddings at the foundry with Sadie, back in the day, and they were lovely with all the little white twinkle lights, stone, old windows, etc. That’ll be a fun day.
    Hey, I hear the d.j. she’s hired is a Hunk, with a capital h.

    September 13, 2005
  7. Camille said:

    I don’t think Sean looks like QT at all in real life, but I can kind of see it in that picture… Yes Melanie, the DJ I hired is a hunk, I will try and set you up with him!

    September 13, 2005
  8. Melanie said:

    Oh goodie! I’ll try to look my best.

    September 13, 2005
  9. Sadie Lou said:

    Camille–no comment on the accent thing?

    September 13, 2005
  10. Camille said:

    He has a very proper british accent. I’m really only marrying him because everyone here will just love his accent and invite us over all the time just to listen to him!

    September 13, 2005
  11. Diane said:

    Camille, does Sean read Bo’s blog?? He may change his mind after reading Bo’s itinerary!!!! heh heh. So very, very happy for C&S! Personally, I just want to sit around and listen to Sean talk! Love those British accents!! 🙂

    September 13, 2005
  12. Sadie Lou said:

    I knew it had to have something to do with the accent.
    You’re a woman after my own heart.
    Bring him by any ol’ time. We’d love to meet him and you could get a feel of how he looks holding a baby–Andy will be gald to assist you.

    September 13, 2005
  13. Mike Anderson said:

    Hey, if I want, I can talk in an accent that’s halfway to British…New York!

    Any takers?

    September 13, 2005
  14. Michele said:

    Don’t WE all have cute accents to Sean?
    Just think, Bo, with that intense British strain, all your grandkids will have beautiful skin, but their teeth will be all stained and twisted. (Just kidding)

    September 14, 2005
  15. Michele said:

    I feel bad about the teeth comment, sorry, Sean if you read this. I’m sure your baby will be born with beautiful teeth, or gums.

    September 14, 2005
  16. Bo Salisbury said:

    Levi, you do have an accent… we’ve all been hesitant to tell you.

    Yes, Mike, I love to hear you say “kwofeee” and “sooauce.” It seems that, as you age, you’re reverting back to your Jersey accent.

    September 15, 2005

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