Retro Posting

This was something I posted back  in 2005 and I thought it might be worthwhile to look back to where we’ve been and see how far we’ve come.

It has long been a dream of mine to redecorate our home in a modern theme, but it looks like that will have to wait for another 5-10 years. In the interim, we have decided upon a retro look and have been scouring thrift stores, garage sales and eBay for furniture and accessories from the same era as the ribbon-cutting on our home, i.e. 1961.couch

Today, Denise, and I were leaving a disappointing garage sale, when we happened upon a young gentleman (who happpened to be from New Zealand), standing in the driveway of his new home, next to this sectional. Nothing ventured, nothing gained… we rolled down the window and asked if he would like to sell it. He said, “sure” and we agreed upon the reasonable price of $50.

etctrAs you can see, it is a beautiful piece of furniture and it complements the entertainment center Denise found months ago, which shook us from our complacency and began the cascade of interior design activity.

It also gave me incentive to learn how to import images into the blog and futz around with them a little. Aren’t you glad?

Here are some observations, after a decade has come and gone.

  • My dream of a modern interior will probably never take shape for various reasons. I still prefer a stark, minimal, austere living space.
  • We are committed to a mid-century, retro look that highlights kitsch and tchotchke.
  • We have almost completely abandoned eBay, both as consumers and sellers. The culture has changed, since the early days of auction and it is no longer any fun.
  • We sold the entertainment center to open up the living room and utilize the unused fireplace for our flat screen and audio gear.
  • I’ve learned a little bit about images in blogging, but WordPress has automated or simplified many of the processes I picked up.

All in all, I like the direction blogging has taken.


  1. DonnaSue said:

    Wow..good for you two! Looks great.

    February 12, 2005
  2. Kathy said:

    Glad I can comment on interior design section. I am anxious to read on as time allows. The room looks great! Although it seems you have Sam’s photo that I WANT on your wall! otherwise very nice.
    (I thought you were joking when you got into my Metropolitan Home magazines!)

    February 13, 2005
  3. Anonymous said:

    This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

    February 13, 2005
  4. Anonymous said:

    It looks like someone died on that couch…

    February 13, 2005
  5. Sadie Lou said:

    Love the couch brother! So mod and hotel-lounge! Looking forward to keeping my eye on this blog…maybe I’ll have to get one too….(a blog, not a mod-sectional)

    February 13, 2005
  6. Anonymous said:

    That is such a cute couch ! Is it comfy though?
    – roz

    February 13, 2005
  7. Bo Salisbury said:

    Hi Roz… yes, it’s quite comfy, but it can be a challenge getting off of it. Boy, couches were sure low to the floor in those days.

    February 13, 2005
  8. Diane Thorne said:

    yo Bo!
    I’m having flash backs from our childhood!

    Looks like it’s comin’ along!
    Sista Di

    February 14, 2005

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