Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir

This past weekend Denise and I enjoyed a concert by the Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir and it was lovely (our 30th wedding anniversary, too). What an ecclectic blend of modern western choral/sacred music, spiced up with some Mongolian folk songs, Taiwanese pop music and even an Australian aboriginal chant! It was different than anything we have heard from the Nevada Union Choir, The Boy’s Choir of Harlem or the Choir of the West.

The big draw, however, was Sam’s boyhood friend, Abe Sitzer, who brought the choir to town. We remember Abe as a fun, outgoing kid who loved to clean and organize Sam’s room… seriously! Abe’s turned into a fine young academic and you can read all about him and see his photo here.

One Comment

  1. Hey Bo! Thought I’d stop by & check on you…

    Happy Anniversary! Wow – 30 years!!

    This tells me two things:

    1. Mr. Salisbury is old.
    2. Mrs. Salisbury is patient. :o)

    August 4, 2006

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