iPhone Fasting and Digital Monks?

Digital MonkBruce Hindmarsh is the James M. Houston Professor of Spiritual Theology at Regent College in Vancouver. Perhaps you’ve heard the term Spiritual Disciplines. Bruce is an historian who thinks we’re entering uncharted territory with social media, communication via screens and devices, as well as a shrinking number of people who remember a time without the internet. One of the remedies to this phenomena? Dr. Hindmarsh suggests that God may be calling some Christians to become digital monks. Is it possible that God is calling you to eschew a digital culture, in order to live a life of handmade writing (letters), no internet and, perhaps, only a phone (and, a landline at that)?

Rather than me telling you what an internet monk is, I would encourage any and all Christians to give a listen to this 7 minute interview. It’s that important.

 Listen to this provocative podcast at: iPhone Fasting | Desiring God.

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