Your Unremarkable Days by Jon Bloom

Have you ever found yourself suddenly emerging from a blur of flashing lights and activity, slowing down to a crawl like the Millennial Falcon leaving light speed?  You take a breath, look around and wonder where all those days went. Jon Bloom has some good news for those of us who feel like we’re rushing at breakneck speed through the mundane: but, first he sets it up like this:

Let the unremarkable years of Genesis speak to you. A few days of your life are remarkable, containing events and experiences where you see God’s providence with startling clarity and when your faith and life course are indelibly and memorably shaped. But the vast majority of your days — likely a day like today — will pass into obscurity unrecorded and irretrievable to your memory. But though today may be unremarkable, it is not unimportant. It is unique, priceless, and irreplaceable.

The resolution to our plight is found in the Gospel:

Today God is at work in you both to will and to work for his good pleasure (Philippians 2:13). Today God is at work in you to advance toward completion the good work that he began in you (Philippians 1:6). Today, though unseen and unfelt by you, God is at work in every detail of your history and experience and the history and experience of possibly thousands of others, to bring about answers to your long-requested prayers, to open the door that seems impossibly closed to you, to turn the prodigal homeward, to save your hard-hearted loved-one, to deliver you from the affliction, or to make you an unexpected, remarkable means of grace to someone else.

Read more: God Is at Work in Your Unremarkable Days | Desiring God.

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