Blogging Takes A Back Seat

It looks as if blogging will have to take a back seat to more pressing, but uninteresting, endeavors this week. For example, Denise and I are shopping for two newer old vehicles, to replace our really old old vehicles. I forgot how much time, energy and heartache is involved in buying cars.

Then, there is the replacement of our older Compaq laptop with a new iMac G5; I know, this should be exciting, but these computers are becoming more like tools and less like toys to us. The only consolation is that I will be finished with Windows XP, except for my computer at work where I am at least remunerated somewhat for my frustrations. I can only describe wireless networking with Windows XP on a really old Compaq Presario as metaphysical… sometimes we’re connected and, if we’re not, we can restart it a few times, kick it around, let it sit for five hours, restart it again, hibernate it, coax it a little and then, eventually, it will work again.

These fairly straightforward tasks have been compounded by a lot of frustration over the past week or so. Perhaps you have had times like this, when no matter what you do, there is always something, someone or some situation to arise out of nowhere and steal all of your time. It’s as if all my plans were frustrated at every step. I probably got about 10 hours of actual work done all week. Depressing…

Well, if I can just put one foot ahead of the next, I may be able to triumph over the flood of futility I feel I’m drowning in, to get to some fun topics. Here are a few drafts I have in queue:

  • I Don’t Read Fiction
  • Serendipity and Richard L. Press Fine Books
  • Monasticism
  • Hieronymus Bosch
  • Planned Parenthood Continues To Exploit Hurricane Victims
  • The kenosis or self-limitation of Jesus Christ in His incarnation
  • US Envoy Warns Syria
  • Take Your Pick: Empire or Lifestyle Change


  1. Levi Nunnink said:

    I guess I should stop praying that God would frustrate the plans of Bo… Sorry, man.


    September 19, 2005
  2. Sadie Lou said:

    Ha! Levi–you’re a brat.

    I’ll miss looking for new posts. Alert me when you have posted something that warrents a lookie-loo.
    Good luck with the car-hunt!

    September 19, 2005
  3. Camille said:

    How about a blog on why I’m your favorite daughter (e.g. because I paid my back loan so you could buy new cars)?

    September 19, 2005
  4. Diane said:

    Bo — I’ll miss you and look forward to your return! see what you’ve done to us! 🙂

    Camille — you took out a loan on your back?? 🙂

    September 19, 2005
  5. Then, there is the replacement of our older Compaq laptop with a new iMac G5

    I got one of those cheap g4 laptops. Love the thing.

    As for your upcoming posts, looking forward to the Bosch and Empire or Lifestyle Change the most. Bosch was my fav artist when I was in high school. I know, I was a weird kid.

    September 19, 2005

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