Steve The Sportsman

Our friend, Pastor Steve from Uganda, is full of surprises. He sings beautifully around the house in the morning, he is a gifted preacher, and he is also a real good soccer player. As he puts it, “when I was in school, I was a sports-man” (an athelete). He said that he hadn’t played soccer in 10 years, but you’d never know it to watch him. He played in running shoes and even when he fell down or slid, his recovery was graceful and showed amazing skill!


  1. dan hartmann said:

    Great picture! I love Pastor Steve’s smile–it’s infectious. Dan and I won’t be at Church on Sunday–we’ll be taking the kids to the coast but I’m sure sad I haven’t heard him preach yet.
    *sad face*
    I hope I will have the opportunity on Tuesday next week.

    November 16, 2006
  2. Donna Webster said:

    He looks like a really dear person Bo

    November 17, 2006
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    March 16, 2007

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