
In my last post, I kicked off a series on Christian leadership in the church. The question arises: “Why another blog about this stuff and why me?” I’ve always had a keen desire to see others grow in Christ and serve His Bride, the Church. But, my motives are always mixed and, if we can be honest, you may be serving Jesus out of a variety of not-so-Biblical or virtuous motivations, too. Let’s face it, if we were as pure in our devotion to Christ and His Kingdom as we like to believe or pretend, Jesus wouldn’t have spent so much time warning us to guard against pride, greed or selfishness:

The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat, so do and observe whatever they tell you, but not the works they do.

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Leadership Planting

The ministerial work must be carried on purely for God and the salvation of souls… They who engage in this as a common work, to make a trade of it for their worldly livelihood, will find that they have chosen a bad trade, though a good employment. Self-denial is of absolute necessity in every Christian, but it is doubly necessary in a minister, as without it he cannot do God an hour’s faithful service. Hard studies, much knowledge, and excellent preaching, if the ends be not right is but more glorious hypocritical sinning. Reverend Richard Baxter1

I’ve been blogging off and on for years, finally arriving at this moment when I can put proverbial pen to paper, in order to recount, report and reflect upon over 30 years of formal ministry as the director of two apologetic groups, Ex-Mormons for Jesus and Jude 23, as well as serving in the role of an elder (pastor or overseer) and church planter for most of that time.… Read the rest

Blogging Christianity • Religion Leadership Planting Richard Baxter Uncategorized

Help My Unbelief

I know the Lord is nigh
and would but cannot pray
For Satan meets me when I try
And frights my soul away
And frights my soul away

I would but cannot sing,
guilt has untuned my voice
My sin, just like the serpent’s sting
Has poisoned all my joys
Has poisoned all my joys


Help my unbelief
My help must come from Thee
I would but cannot love,
though wooed by love divine
No arguments have power to move
A soul as base as mine
A soul as base as mine

I would but cannot rest
in God’s most holy will
I know what He appoints is best
And murmur at it still
I murmur at it still


I would but can’t repent,
though I endeavor oft
This stony heart can ne’er relent
Til Jesus makes it soft
Til Jesus makes it soft

Wilt Thou not crown at length
the work Thou hast begun?… Read the rest

Christianity • Religion Music

“For we are, alas, only too familiar with alluring prophets. We have seen them crumble into fragments.

We have seen them bring the Wholly Other into disrepute, by being themselves no more than ‘very strange.'” Karl Barth

Over on Pyromaniac a while back, there was s a discussion of the role of prophecy in the modern church, which began with Rubber Prophecies and a brief account of two of the “very strange” pseudo-prophets bouncing them. It’s amazing what a wide-ranging and informative overview you can get in the comments that followed.

Since then, we’ve had the Strange Fire brouhaha and the resulting fallout.… Read the rest

Christianity • Religion Wacky • Weird

Matt Chandler gets this so right. He lives up to the ideal of a shepherd of souls portrayed in the Scriptures, with wisdom beyond his years — he is an elder1. It’s evident he takes the Bible seriously and has read Christian biography.

  1. The New Testament uses the terms <em>elder</em>, <em>pastor/shepherd</em>, <em>overseer/bishop </em> interchangeably. This NT vocabulary serves to illustrate or emphasize the character and functions of the leader(s) in local Christian communities. So, when I speak of elders, pastors, or overseers on this blog I am referring to the same leaders within a church – <em>an elder is a pastor and an overseer.</em>
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Christianity • Religion Leadership Planting

Being Human The Nature of Spiritual Experience Jerram Barrs Ranald MacCaulayBeing Human: The Nature of Spiritual Experience (BH) by Jerram Barrs and Ranald Macaulay – this book appeared at a crucial time in my walk as a young Christian and exerted a powerful influence on my entire life. Its message continues to play a valuable role, causing me to examine and evaluate the perpetual and ubiquitous ebb and flow of new movements, trendy philosophies and sure-fire techniques, rising and receding within the contemporary Christian culture. America has been appropriately described as a disposable society and the church has not only adopted a superficial, sanctified brand of consumerism, but might even teach the folks up on the Mad Avenue a few tricks!… Read the rest

Art • Design • Culture Books • Literature Christianity • Religion Gospel-Centered Planting

Here’s an “oldie but goodie” from March 4, 2008, at The University of California, Berkeley

Timothy Keller begins by stating the concern that belief  in religion and Christianity, in particular, is  “too divisive in a free democratic society” People with strong religious convictions, “feel impelled… to impose those beliefs and… to really oppress and marginalize people.” He concedes, “I do think that religion is part of the problem with the world,” but goes on to state that robust, crunchy religion is on the ascendancy, so we must find a way to deal with exclusive truth claims. Get a drink and snack, settle in and give him a listen.… Read the rest

Christianity • Religion Religion

I originally wrote this post back in 2005, after being wowed by the web design of Hillman Curtis.

Wanna see something spooky… and, beautiful? Follow the hillmancurtis link. Just keep watching. And, be sure to look at his work. I heard he was moving to Nevada County, but haven’t seen him yet.

The link no longer takes you to the video that was featured back then, but a collection of his work. I just learned today that he died back in 2012 and now I’m sad.

O LORD, make me know my end and what is the measure of my days; let me know how fleeting I am!

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Art • Design • Culture

BookCoverWe had an assignment in my 2 dimensional design class to come up with a non-fiction book cover, which emphasizes the sub-title over everything else. The goal of the exercise was to experiment with visual hierarchy or placing emphasis on the most important elements in a commercial design. I haven’t given up on my goal to write a book-length account of my brawl with NF. This would not be the cover – for one thing, the image is not mine. And, I think I would have a different sub-title and put that second or third in the visual hierarchy. However, I like the title 72 Hours, connected to the image of a ticking clock.… Read the rest

Our Story

Blogging is a dangerous business for the Christian to engage in: particularly when commenting on culture, politics, religion, art, humor, sexuality or other volatile subject matter.

One can come off sounding self-righteous and condescending, as I often do — being boorish. Then, there’s also guilt by association: “That’s fine coming from the religion that gave us the Inquisition, the Crusades and the Salem Witch Hunts.” From the other direction, you open yourself up to insults by, so-called Christians, who want to hunt down witches, launch a crusade against the infidels or turn you over to the inquisitors! Indeed:

Sufferings must be the Churches most ordinary lot, and Christians indeed must be self-denying Cross-bearers, even where there are none but formal nominal Christians to be the Cross-makers… Richard Baxter

I was studying Paul’s letter to the Romans and reached for Karl Barth’s classic commentary.… Read the rest

Blogging Christianity • Religion Religion

512YfhhKXNL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Alexander Strauch’s Biblical Eldership (BE) packs the most thorough exposition of relevant passages concerning elders in the Bible into one volume, while offering a spirited and compelling apologetic for the practice of non-clerical, plural leadership in the local church. But, it’s not just for church leaders – all readers will find a clear and well-reasoned appeal to all Christians to practice a humble, relational style of Christianity modeled after Jesus Christ. And, even if you do not find Alex Strauch’s model or paradigm ultimately convincing and advocate a monarchical episcopacy or congregational form of church government, I guarantee you will be challenged, inspired and equipped to take your ministry, whatever it may be, more seriously and you will serve with greater passion and effectiveness.… Read the rest

Books • Literature Christianity • Religion Gospel-Centered Leadership Planting Religion

J.I. Packer is a true gentleman. He read my biography of Richard Baxter and mailed me a copy of his book, A Grief Sanctified, along with a thoughtful note. This is the second time I’ve received a personal communication from the world-class theologian and author of the classic, Knowing God. The first was back around 1988, when he sent me a detailed, thorough reply to a question about ecclesiology, along with a fairly lengthy paper (which he obviously read).

I’ve learned something through all my research and writing adventures over the years. The great ones are generous with their time, their writings, and their knowledge.… Read the rest

Books • Literature Christianity • Religion Richard Baxter

IMG_9668How do I love thee? I love thee for thine funky retro greeting cards that thou dost findeth in thrift stores. Man, I hate trying to write prose in Elizabethan English. Anyway, when we bought our home from Mrs. Brass in 1997, we also took possession of a huge stash of greeting cards from the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s. That supply ran out a couple of years ago, so Denise scours the thrift stores and eBay to find the finest cards for loved ones. That’s one way Denise demonstrates her affection – by sending folks cool special occasion cards. Here is the one she gave me this year for Valentine’s Day.… Read the rest

Family • Friends Vintage • Retro • Kitsch

9780310494324What does every church leader need in the 21st century? Perhaps you gave the standard Sunday school response: Jesus! Well, that is certainly true. Since we are imbibing some more Gospel Goodness, you may have thought I was going to wrestle you to the ground and pin you until you cried “GOSPEL!” You wouldn’t be far off. Authors Scott Thomas and Tom Wood lead off with this simple and succinct conviction:

Every church leader needs a coach. Every church leader needs to be coaching other leaders.

I’m inclined to agree with them. For church leaders, a relationship with Christ is a given.… Read the rest

Books • Literature Gospel-Centered Leadership Planting

Gospel Power

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.” (Romans 1:16–17 ESV)

Because the gospel or good news is the “power of God for salvation to everyone who believes,” it just makes sense that I would want to be able to communicate that good news: I want to be fluent in the language of the gospel. But, more than that I want to gospel myself, remembering that the gospel that saves is the gospel that sanctifies – what Jesus has done for me is at work in me, transforming me into His image.… Read the rest

Gospel-Centered Planting

Christ said that he would build his church, but he doesn’t raise up saints from stones. He uses means. And the means by which he strengthens, purifies, and corrects churches are godly elders who preach the gospel, teach the Scriptures, and call out error.

This is what we find instructed by Paul in Titus 1:5 and church history is filled with stories of godly men who have been used by God to bring about reformation and revival! May God be pleased to raise up more of these godly elders and may more elder/pastor/overseers be willing to remain in their churches to see this sort of reformation take place.

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Leadership Planting

GCLNow that we’re a bit better at gospeling ourselves, thanks to Joe Thorn’s Note to Self (yeah, that’s gospel as a verb), we can look at another standard work on the Gospel-Centered Everything  bookshelf . The Gospel-Centered Life  (GCL) is a nine-lesson small group study and a helpful resource for individuals. There is also a Gospel-Centered Life Leader’s Guide These books are authored by Will Walker and blogger/writer, Bob Thune, one of the pastors at Coram Deo Church Community (yeah, you read that church name right and the word order is significant).

I’ve been known to claim GCL is the closest thing to a perfect book I’ve come across in a long time — I’m being mildly hyperbolic.… Read the rest

Books • Literature Gospel-Centered Leadership Missional Communities Planting

Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring two-pence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it.

C.S. Lewis

I collect quotes and pithy sayings to share with others, fully realizing their veracity and/or utility vary greatly. Take this one by C.S. Lewis, for instance. How can we know if what he says here is really so? Who is he talking about, what is the truth he would have us tell, and what will it look like, if you or I become original?… Read the rest

Art • Design • Culture Quotes

Do you know who #65 is? If not, isn’t about time? Check out this interview by PopDose.

A Songwriter’s Story: Bill Mallonee

BILL MALLONEE on August 21, 2014 at 3:40 pm

In a Paste Magazine poll of writers and artists, Bill Mallonee was listed at #65 of the 100 Greatest Living Songwriters. Mallonee is not only an accomplished songwriter, but a prolific one as well. Since the start of his recording career in 1991, Mallonee has released 58 albums. His latest album, Winnowing, is being released today. You can get a CD or digital download here. There’s going to be vinyl too.… Read the rest


I thought I’d kick off my regular blogging with a discussion of a few books I’ve found not only insightful but actually helpful over a difficult decade for Denise and myself. After 41 years together, we’ve seen some huge changes, weathered a catastrophic illness, and lost loved ones. But, this was probably the most concentrated season of loss, sadness, and reorientation ever, reaching a crescendo these past three years.

We have been sustained through it all by the Gospel or the Good News: That Jesus died for our sins, according to the Scriptures — that He was buried, rose again the third day, and ascended to the right hand of the Father.… Read the rest

Books • Literature Gospel-Centered

If God would but reform the ministry, and set them on their duties zealously and faithfully, the people would certainly be reformed.

Richard Baxter

Evangelicalism is experiencing a crisis of character in vocational ministry. For example… Well, you’re probably aware of many examples out there in the wider culture, but if you are living out the Gospel in main street America, you know you don’t have to look beyond your own town or neighborhood to find examples of greed, dishonesty, abuse or tussles for power. And, nepotism is often deeply rooted in smaller churches.

Richard Baxter faced these challenges of a rural parish minister, but he also found his way into the power centers of his day, ultimately serving as a chaplain to the king of England.… Read the rest

Leadership Planting

Do you know of a school, church or other organization that may want to hear the harrowing story of how one man was blind-sided by the flesh-eating bacteria and lived to tell about it? I’ve shared our story a number of times, including an annual gig in science classes at our local middle school during “bacteria week.” More than once I was followed the next day by that gripping video drama, Killer Kitchens. Well, I do that sort of thing and, if I speak to your group, I promise to be clean shaven, appropriately dressed, and I’ll bring a version of the tale that is relevant and engaging.… Read the rest

Our Story

Evidently, the cigar box guitar (and, bass) craze has swept the land and I’m the last to know. Glenn Kaiser and I go way back, although he wouldn’t know that. He was the front man for the Rez Band, which I saw perform at Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa over 30 years ago. Glenn is a very good guitarist and blues historian. Check out why he is so passionate about the cigar box guitar over at his blog.… Read the rest


future-sign-Things are coming together much quicker, thanks to some wonderful improvements in WordPress, plugins, themes, and CMS.1  Good Mr. Baxter, my short, online  biography of that famous pastor, should be completed this week and I can get to the business of blogging and introducing some fresh, new work. Because my interests and experiences are so varied and seemingly unrelated, the plan right now is to devote a week or so to one subject at a time. So, if something comes up that interests you, just tune in for a while and check out when I’m blogging about boring stuff like Twelver Shi’ism in 19th century Iran.… Read the rest


Serious Christians long for revival (or reformation) and I have some good news for you, if you find yourself among that number. Consult the history books or, better yet, dig into the Scriptures. As you survey the collapse of Christian power and influence in the west, when you witness the open hostility and intolerance toward those who follow Jesus from both secularist and nominal Christians everywhere, and you see reports of persecution on an Apocalyptic scale around the world, you can be sure that revival is either here or on the doorstep. By the way, reformation and revival appear to be in full swing throughout Africa, Central/South America and Asia.… Read the rest
